Monday, April 20, 2020

Where To Get Strong Resume Examples

Where To Get Strong Resume ExamplesResume examples are the key to building a strong resume. Your resume will ultimately determine whether you get an interview or not, so it is extremely important that you have a professionally written resume with a strong foundation.There are a number of ways to build a strong resume. You can take advantage of free resources, learn to write from a professional, or even make your own resume. When building a resume, you should always keep in mind what will make a strong resume and make sure it is well written and creative.One of the best ways to design a resume is to take a look at several different resumes to see what makes them stand out from the rest. They should have several good features that help your resume stand out. A solid cover letter is an important part of your resume, so your cover letter needs to be unique. No matter what your skills are, the title should be very descriptive and should show you put thought into your resume.Another way to make your resume stand out is to include a lot of skills on your resume. Using keywords on your resume will help your resume show up on job seekers' searches. Don't just list the skills, but also give examples of where you have used the skills. If you are a natural writer, use those skills to show how you can help a company with their needs. In addition, you may have to have a great GPA to get in the door at most companies.Resume examples are also a great way to see how someone can help you in your job search. Look at different resumes and see what the job placement data says. This is a good way to see if you are getting enough placement data so that you can see if you need to change something about your resume or if you need to add more features to make it better.Building a strong resume requires some research. The three steps above will help you with the research part of the job search, but you still need to have some luck with your resume by using example resumes.These are a few tips to help you with your resume. These examples are used to show how to craft a better resume and may help with your own resume. By following these steps, you can ensure that your resume is successful in getting you hired.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Donald Trump Wall How Many Jobs Would It Create

Donald Trump Wall How Many Jobs Would It Create Even after President Donald Trump’s executive order to begin construction of a border wall with Mexico, the actual plans are still the subject of speculation. From how long the structure will be (1,000 to 2,000 miles), to the wall’s budget ($12 billion to $15 billion, or even $25 billion), and who will end up paying for it (Mexico! Or maybe not), the new administration has plenty of details to iron out. But one certainty, experts say, is that if construction forges ahead as expected, it will create thousands of jobs for American workers. Michael Montgomery, a consultant who helps developers estimate their projects’ economic impact, says a building project on the scale of Trump’s speculative wall should create between 21,200 and 25,600 jobs for “at least the period of construction,” basing his estimate on the $12 billion to $15 billion budget mentioned by Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell. Those won’t necessarily be new jobs â€" already-employed construction and manufacturing employees will inevitably take some of the work, he says. But the positions, which include everything from the manufacturers making its materials to the cooks feeding the workforce, would be “substantially if not entirely supported” by that existing GOP budget estimate. There’s one caveat, though. The U.S. is currently in the midst of a construction labor shortage as housing developers work to bring supply back in line with demand. That will make it difficult to fill those job with legal labor, says Juli Smith, president of the engineering and architecture executive search firm Smith Consulting group. Without a documented workforce available, construction supervisors will be forced to use low-paid, “undocumented immigrant workers,” Smith says. There are other potential ways Trump’s anti-immigration efforts could generate more jobs; Trump has announced plans to boost the border patrol, for instance. But the salaries of border patrol agents and customs officers are already one of the highest-priced line items on the Department of Homeland Security’s budget, so such an increase would fly in the face of his long-held promise to massively cut government spending (and, in turn, the federal workforce). Of course, if Trump convinces the Mexican government to pay for the wall, goading the country to use its own labor and materials to build it, the whole jobs stimulus would benefit workers on the south side of the border. But don’t hold your breath waiting for Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto to bow to Trump’s demands, says Michael Camuñez, president and CEO at ManattJones Global Strategies, and a former assistant secretary of Commerce under President Barack Obama. “Mexico is not going to pay for that wall, and Mexicans are not going to build it,” Camuñez says. “That would be the equivalent of asking an East Berliner to willingly construct the wall that cuts them off from the world. It’s outrageous.”

Friday, April 10, 2020

Why Your Will Is As Important As Your Career - Work It Daily

Why Your Will Is As Important As Your Career - Work It Daily In a world where moving jobs is an accepted part of the working lives of many people, the idea of planning for the future can seem like something that is fine to put off for a later day. In the past, when 'a job for life' was the norm for a great proportion of the working population, the idea of rising up through the ranks in one organization and then taking a pension at the end of your career pretty much had things covered. Today, the job market is a more uncertain world and people are much more likely to pick, choose, and swap between jobs in their lifetime. This can mean that keeping an eye on the future is more difficult and needs a little more attention. Protecting Your Family The idea of taking out insurance to cover times of illness or unemployment is quite common and not thought of as strange. However, when it comes to talking about making a will some people think it is a morbid and unsavory subject. In fact, making sure that provisions are in place so that your family are looked after in a worst-case scenario is one of the most sensible things that anyone can do. Estates There are many practical issues which need to be dealt with in the process of administering the estate of a deceased person. This basically means covering the legalities involved in making sure that all the assets of someone who dies are allocated to the right people. This can only really be done if there is a clear and valid will in place. Probate The first step in this process is called 'Receipt of probate' and basically sets in motion the actions needed to resolve any claims on the estate and then distribute all of the assets as set out in the will. Probate is important because it determines whether or not an executor is in place. This is a person named by the deceased who they want to have the legal power to dispose of the assets as outlined in the will. Making A Will The actual process of making a will is not difficult and is something that many specialized companies do every day for all kinds of people from all walks of life. It isn't an expensive thing to do either, especially considering the amount of confusion it can help avoid for loved ones under extremely stressful circumstances. Related Posts: Tuesday Talks: Start Your Presentations With A Scene The Secret To Being Persuasive At Work (And Anywhere) How To Boost Your Career With Toastmasters Photo Credit: Shutterstock Have you joined our career growth club?Join Us Today!